[Listen] Chris Young Chats About Google’s “American Rapper” Mistake

Managing Editor, Christina Bosch interviewing Chris Young
As country fans, we all know that Chris Young is a multi-platinum selling artist, responsible for hits like “I’m Comin’ Over”, “Think of You” and most recently his 10th no. 1 song “Losing Sleep”. The internet, however, had something entirely different in mind. For a brief moment when you Google ‘Chris Young’ pictures of the country star appeared on the page, but something very strange was written underneath his name…”American Rapper”. Young documented the moment in a recent Instagram post commenting “Um…@google I’ve been described in a lot of ways…this is the first time “American Rapper” has been used tho. #hanginon #googleisdrunk”

Photo Via @ChrisYoungMusic Instagram
When we spoke with him last night before his Stage 17 performance at Nash FM 94.7 studios, Young laughed when we brought up the mishap. “I just started laughing, it’s one of those things that, with all of the stuff that lives on the internet, there are so many things that can get edited.” he joked. “I’m not surprised that something like that happened but it’s still really funny because it’s next to all of these photos of me, right underneath where it said it.” He laughed as he told us that although he probably could rap if he was put to the test, he doesn’t think anybody would buy the record.
Coming off of an early morning, playing for Good Morning America, Young told us that it was great to be back on that stage explaining he would get up at 3 AM anytime to play for those viewers. He performed his latest single “Hangin’ On” which is about to be Top 20 on the charts as well as his most recent number 1 single “Losing Sleep”. Young told us that he just found out that “Losing Sleep” also has hit platinum status. “It’s always a two-prong thing, you want a number 1, but you also want people to buy the song, so having both of those marks for a song is just really, really cool and especially since it was the first single off the new record,” Young says.
His Losing Sleep World Tour resumes in September and hits the New York area on December 7th at Nassau Veterans Coliseum. When discussing how he keeps it fresh for his loyal fans, Young explained “For me the biggest thing is putting on the best show possible, there are a lot of things when you get to the size and scope of an arena tour where it’s locked in, these songs are happening in this order and there is video content to go along with them and then there are parts of my show that I like to keep very much organic where I can do whatever the hell I want to be honest.” He told us that fans can look forward to acoustic parts of the night where the set list will change from city to city.