Science Says…Concertgoers Will Live Longer

Science Says

The next time you’re contemplating whether or not to splurge on concert tickets, science says you should do it for your health.

A recent study was done by the UK’s music and entertainment venue O2 and Goldsmith’s University associate lecturer Patrick Fagan. Fagan took a group of volunteers and gave them heart rate monitors to wear while doing various activities for 20 minutes including yoga, walking their dog and attending a concert. The results of this experiment were very interesting.

The study concluded that concert attendance every two weeks can extend a person’s life expectancy by nine years and that feeling of wellbeing can increase by 21% after 20 minutes of live music. In contrast, doing yoga for the same amount of time only increased a person’s feelings of wellbeing by 10%.

Now that’s not saying that you shouldn’t partake in other activities, but when forced to make a choice, concerts always win.

Fagan said, “Our research showcases that profound impact concerts have on feelings of health, happiness, wellbeing – with fortnightly (every two weeks) or regular attendance being the key…we arrive at a prescription for a concert a fortnight which could pave the way for almost a decade more years of life.”

The social aspect of a concert and shared experience with others is the true driving factor behind increasing happiness. So whether you’re going through a rough time, stressed out, or just need to do something fun, listening to music by yourself will not give you a quick fix but going to a concert might just be what the doctor orders.

Head to our calendar for a list of upcoming concerts that you don’t want to miss if you’d like to increase your happiness and live longer.


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