Brett Young: Weekends Look A Little Different These Days – Review
Brett Young’s Weekends Look A Little Different These Days is available now, June 4th, on all streaming platforms. Take a look below as we dig a little deeper into the collection of new music.
Reflecting on his own life and its recent changes, Young delivers some of his most authentic and honest music yet in his 8-track collection, Weekends Look A Little Different These Days. The project serves as the follow-up to his multi-platinum hitmaker’s gold-certified sophomore record Ticket to L.A. and his platinum self-titled debut album.
This new collection is appropriately titled for the recent life changes he has experienced both in his career and family life, as a rising country star and soon-to-be father of two. He explores the professional and personal life-changing moments that explain just why his Weekends Look A Little Different These Days. The entire project is co-written by Young and produced by Dann Huff. It includes his pre-released song, “You Got Away With It”, his most recent single, “Not Yet”, and his hit single and seventh consecutive No. 1, “Lady”.
Young perfectly portrays the widespread emotions that come with love, family, and loss in this self-reflective and honest collection. The authenticity of the album’s title track feels like a sequel to Young’s song “Chapters”, and sets the tone for the project. Acknowledging the growth that he’s made since his younger days and realizing that when he thought he knew and had it all, it was actually nothing compared to all he knows and has now.
“I used to stay up late and sleep in all day long // Now it’s bed by nine and wake up with the dawn // I used to need the world to spin around me // Used to think that I had everything // Now I thank // God that everything has changed // My weekends look a little different these days”
Young reflects on all the highs and lows of a relationship in “This” in a very ‘everything happens for a reason’ take on life that makes you appreciate every moment good or bad that got you to exactly where you are now. “Dear Me” follows that same idea, wishing he could tell his 23-year old self not to worry about the girl he can’t move on from because she will end up with him in the end.
“Don’t even worry it’ll be alright // There’s a light at end of these lonely nights // And it’s worth all the hell you’re going through // What if I told you // This ain’t the end you’re just halfway // You’ll look back and you’ll thank God one day // When it’s clear in your rearview // Dear me // She ends up with you”
“Leave Me Alone” and “You Didn’t” are two different takes on a similar scenario of someone leaving you. “Leave Me Alone” has a classic Young sound and couples an upbeat tune with a ‘shake it off/move on’ attitude about someone leaving you and you not wanting them to come back around like they always do. While “You Didn’t” slows things down and offers a vulnerable yet realistic take on letting someone go because they didn’t fall in love like you did.
“There’s nothing I could say // To make you wanna stay // Your heart made up its mind // I don’t want you to lie one more minute // You ain’t done nothing wrong // I’m not where you belong // Don’t let one teardrop fall // Girl you think it’s your fault but it isn’t // I fell in love and you didn’t”
“Not Yet” and “You Got Away With It” were both pre-released singles off the album and offer the familiar Young-sound and the kind of flirty love stories that we know and love from the singer-songwriter.
“‘Cause you still got a lot of kisses left on your lips // Yeah you still got a lot of time to take away my breath // You still got a lot of driving me wild left // With that smile // With those eyes // I ain’t done loving you tonight // Not yet”

Brett Young’s “Weekends Look A Little Different These Days” is available now, June 4th, on all streaming platforms
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Weekends Look A Little Different These Days is available everywhere you buy or stream music. Take a listen below and check out more new recently released tunes on our ‘New Country Music’ playlist. Be sure to give the playlist a follow for your weekly new country music fix.